Make a Hope
Let's dive into a story first.
A poor family was leading their life happily. They had two
children, a husband and a wife. The husband was a
government employee. Once he had to go out in a hurry and
didn't come back anymore. But the wife, as she was loved so
deeply, didn't want to admit that he had died. She was still
waiting for his return. Day after day goes by, month goes by,
year and also two eras but he wasn't returning. The children
once lost their hope and told their mother that their father will
not come back anymore. But she was not believing it.
Suddenly they got news. Their father's two shoes were found
by a person. That person buried the body but he kept the
shoes hoping that if any relative came to him and identified
those shoes. However, the wife went to the spot instantly.
She looked at those shoes, quickly identified that those
shoes were his husband's shoes. After that moment she
became speechless and finally she also passed away within
two days.
This story tells us how important hope is for us. Here in this
story, we can see that the woman who was waiting for her
husband was a hope for her. She hoped that her husband
would return to her family someday. That was her hope. She
was living in the world because of it. But when she realized
that he was no more, instantly she lost her hope. That
incident led her to death. From that time, she had nothing to
hope for.
A hope is an imaginary series of events that you experience in
your mind. Hope in general means a desire for things to
change for the better and to want that better situation very
much. Hope keeps us alive in the world. There is a saying,
' No hope, no life'. A life without hope can not be imagined. It's
not possible. Living in the world means keeping hope. Man
lives in hope and when this hope becomes despair, there is
no importance of this life.
Our true friends suggest that we should be strong. They want
us to destroy our darkness and be successful. But to
overcome the darkness, we need to have hope. Without it, our
disappointment will not disappear. It's normal to have bad
days. Sometimes those bad days stay so long. It seems that
bad days will never go away from our life. So we become
hopeless. This hopeless time drives us to death. There is a
saying that ' where is a hope, there is a life'. Anyhow, we need
to find a proper goal where at least we can breathe
To have a hope means you want to have a better outcome.
You want to make good times by demolishing all the tough
So why not give a try to learn English at least to see or enjoy
the new world that we have been missing. It's the new hope
for us.